
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The Great Commission of Church is certainly to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. However, in our efforts to reach the world should we fail to reach our neighbor that is beside us how great is our failure. While we make great attempts to reach those that are afar off, may we always remember that the Greatest Mission Field is not in a far away land, but our greatest Mission Field begins in the home. It begins with reaching the Family. Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers, they all matter to the Lord as well as those who are in a far away land. While you may not feel as though you may travel into the furthest most parts of the world, you are capable of walking in the other room, crossing the street and being a Christian Example to those whom you meet day by day.  Remember if each one of us would reach one for Christ and the Kingdom of God, there will certainly be a Host of Missionaries to travel across the world. So when you give, give as unto the Lord and when you live, live as those around you matter as much as those who are far away.

Active Missionaries are awaiting your support.

Home Missions

Reaching the World Near You.
One soul at a time. Living and Giving as unto the Lord. Being an  example while in the presence of the Saints and especially while working in the Fields of Harvest.

World Missions

Realizing that the purpose of the Church is not  to build buildings and make a name for ourselves, but understanding that we must be about our Fathers Business, and that is to Build the Kingdom of God and lead other Sheep to
His Fold.

Help serve the Kingdom in an upcoming mission trip to [Israel]

Join the mission

If you would like to take part in raising funds with us,  for two of  our The Church of God Ministers to travel to the land of Israel and plant the seeds of the Gospel in the Holy Land, in an effort to establish a Church in the home land of our Lord please contact us for further information.

Encourage our active ministers

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.